IVF Cost at Kaali Inst IVF Centre, Hungary – great information!
I thought it could be worth showing you some of the responses that I have had from clinics around the world to give an insight into the way that they operate and the costs that they charge at the specific clinic.
As an idea of the cost of IVF in Hungary I am going to start with the Kaali Inst IVF Center in Budapest. After emailing them for information on their IVF treatment I received a very promptlyand informative reply. I have taken out a little of the information that is specific to me, but what remains is a complete picture of the IVF cost and the IVF success for my age group. I hope you find this useful.
I must say that this request was made in the early days of me looking for information and I had not structured my letter as I had for all other responses on this site, so this was borne out of a general enquiry. I have added the US$ values in red.
This was a great response to a very general letter and the clinic will certainly be on my shortlist.
Age unfortunately significantly impacts on pregnancy rates. At the age of 40 success rates are half of that among women under the age of 35. Age alone could be the explanation in your case…… Anyway, regardless of the problem at the age of 42 you should do IVF. This gives you the best chance and IVF success rates are around 15% at this age. This is unfortunatly not too high.
A typical cycle follows these steps. We usually start with an initial consultation (preferably in the first half of the cycle). During this meeting we review the past infertility records, review the treatment itself and set a schedule up. If further tests are needed we provide you with a list. You are also given a treatment plan and the following details, dates can be set up via email. This is a one day visit to the Clinic in Budapest.
Most IVF cycles are preceeded by some type of pretreatment. Most often this is a brief course of oral contarceptives. The stimulation is started after the pill. You can do the first 5 days of stimulation while at home, we only need to see you on day 6 of stimulation. Usually another 5 days of stimulation follows before we move on with the egg retrieval and embryo transfer. This altogether means a 10-12 days stay in Budapest. You may travel as early as the day of transfer.
The total expense of an IVF treatment is made up of three parts. The evaluation (consultation, labs, ultrasound etc.) is about 300 EUR (approx. US$410) if done by us. Most of the evaluation can be performed by your local physician as well. An IVF cycle is 1500 EUR (approx. US$2,035), if ICSI is needed as well it is an additional 500 EUR (approx. US$680). If the medications are purchased in Hungary on average they cost 1000-1200 EUR (approx. US$1,355 – US$1,625). Medications costs vary however based on ovarian response. Please let us know if you have any further questions about our IVF program or if you wish to set up an initial consultation!
Peter Kovacs MD
Kaali Inst IVF Center
Budapest, Hungary
The contact information for the clinic is:
Kaali Institute
Istenhegyi ut 54/A
1125 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: 36-1-202 2802 Fax: 36-1-214 6050
Email: info@ivfpregnancycenter.com
Web: http://www.ivfpregnancycenter.com/
Hi Dr Kovacs
You replied to me with the costs for IVF at your center – they are great ! But my question whether embryo donation is practiced/possible at your clinic was not answered – many thanks again and kind regards.
Martina Pullen.
Hi Siobhan,
First of all, many congratultions on your pregnancy, you must be about 5 months by now?
I have written to Dr Kovacs asking him to let me know if we would be accepted by the Kaali clinic for IVF, we have had 1 funded cycle of IVF in the UK and although it was successfull , unfortunatley our baby died soon after birth. We have had 2 ectopic pregnicies befoe Zac was concieved and so IVF is really the only option for us to try for another baby.
Your account of the Kaali clinic is most complementary and I was encouraged by your postive experience, Can you tell me how things worked out for you on a practical level, ie, how many trips to Budapest you made, and what the costs were roughly? We are hoping to have as many preliminary tests/scans done in the UK to minimise trips over there but I guesss some are vital.
Also, did you feel the link up between your health care in Ireland and The Kaali clinic to be easy?
Any help would be appreciated as it feels a bit daunting to be thinking about going abraod for something so important and sensitive!
Regards Jo Abram
Hi Jo,
I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. It really is a difficult journey. Try and be positive and it will happen for you!!
With regards to the practicality of our journey in Budapest. I went over once (on my own) for one night where I met with Dr. Kovacs. If you need to get any test done there he can do them (they will prob work out much cheaper than it would in the uk). I was quoted that my initial consult would be approx €300 but it turned out to only cost me €110. So, I really just paid for my flight, one night accom and my consult.
Then I was able to get the drugs here in Ireland on the drug payment scheme but priced them in budapest at the pharmacy Dr. Kovacs recommended for a little over €500.
Then when I went over to Budapest we booked an apartment on only-apartments.com and this cost €350 for 15 nights.(We could have come home a couple of nights earlier).
I needed one blood test the morning i arrived which cost a whopping €10 and they had quoted €1500 for the ivf treatment. They brought us to 5 days (i.e blastocyst stage). It was only the day of transfer they asked for money and when we paid it worked out at €1342.
We had a wonderful holiday, had a really chilled out time. were completely relaxed and being honest it couldnt have been a better experience.
I was not too daunted about going abroad but do understand why it seems scary. However, I really feel strongly in stressing that we received treatment that was second to none and if we had paid €10k for the treatment we still feel we would have been completely happy & satisfied with everything.
They are dedicated to trying to make babies for people in Kaali and not necessarily money making like at home!!
I hope this has helped and if you need any more questions answered please feel free.
Ps Yes I am just off my 20 week mark and feeling my little bundle kick already. We have two embryos still frozen over there so will definitely be back. It is all worth it and at least you know the reason you cannot naturally conceive!!
The very best of luck
Siobhan xx
I am intersting indoing IVF in June. Can you give information of the stages involve and the price list.
Thank you
Elizabeth Clovie
Hi Dr. Kovacs,
I was writing to you a few months ago about various ways a woman over
40 could have her own genes in her own eggs without having to use
donated eggs. After quite a bit of research I am looking at somatic
cell nuclear transfer which I know they class as cloning but to me
if used in an ivf manner then it seems legitamate…..I know the
clinics don’t use somatic cell nuclear transfer yet but atleast this
may give women who can’t use their own eggs some hope that in
the future they might be able to. Can you give me your opinion
on somatic cell nuclear transfer. I look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely
Carla Zavaroni
Do you have a data dase of egg doners ,I have heard that the univeristy in your area has a link to egg doners.
Can I get Siobhan Hayes’ email address please? I also live in Ireland and would like to go to Kaali this summer. I would like to find out more informaition regarding the practical side of the treatment such as travelling and staying in Budapest, using the drug payment scheme card for purchasing the medicines in Ireland.
Many thanks in advance.
Hi Anita, My email is siobhansnails@gmail.com, give me a mail and i can forward you on my phone number etc, MORE than happy to chat! Have only 11 weeks to go in my pregnancy thanks to Dr. Kovacs.
can you tell me the cost of ivf with egg donation please.
i am interested in the ivf . i live in dublin and can not get true on the number yous have on the website iam very intrested so could u please cet back in contact with me tank you
Dear Sue, thankyou for your website. Its a big help to read of other peoples experiences with IVF and Kaali. I am a uk citizen living in Budapest for the last 8 years. My hungarian partner Kati and I are going through the IVF programme with Kaali at the moment. We are 42 and 34 years of age respectively and are fortunate that due to kati’s nationality (Hungarian) we can accees Kaali’s services at the local hungarian state sponsered rates… extra tests, freezing embryos and all medicines we still have to pay for … In the last few weeks we’ve been there a number of times and its very interesting to see how many non hungarian couples were there and how busy the place is 7 days a week and I think thats partly why there are delays and imperfections in some admin service levels there..they are incredibly busy… personaly I found the waiting room area and the egg and sperm collecting processes quite distressing at the time and I think it would be good to know what to expect before going there so your mentaly prepared … the comments on this thread ref public nature of the place and waiting times are spot on however it can help to talk with others in the waiting area and see that many other people are going through what you are. We also have a very sympathetic female doctor Kovacs Timea and at the end of the day I think the IVF process is a massive emotional trip for all of us who are going through it and a few impersonal staff and longer than expected waits are small beans in the greater scheme of things. Also I think technicaly Kaali are excellent ref the medical staff and the facility, they have been great with us ref the details of the process etc …. apologies for this delibrate advert and I will understand if you wish not to publish this email … my partner and I run a small property rental business in Budapest… http://www.budapestlets.com and I wanted your readers to know that if they are coming for IVF to Budapest and want a homely, comfortable apartment with help with directions /taxis public transport to Kaali then they may wish to choose an apartment over a hotel… both Kati and I would also be happy to talk with guests as it always helps us to talk with others going throught the process and perhaps we can help them too
best wishes
gordon cross gordonbcross@hotmail.com
Hi Gordon,
Thank you very much for your review of Kaali, it certainly was a busy place when we vivited there too! The one thing my husband said after speaking with Peter Kovacs was that he had the utmost confidence that if anything could be done then this man could do it (quite an accolade from my husband!), so yes, the busy waiting room is a small price to pay.
I have no problem with the delibrate advert, I think it is a wonderful idea I know we would have loved it if we could have stayed somewhere where there was people who knew what we were going through and understood the system and where to go.
Best of luck with your treatment.
All the best,
Sue xx
I merely wished to point out the actual connection between eating problems and infertility problems. Found in a recent article i read, Eating issues generally interrupt menstrual periods, but information is sparse about long-term consequences of these kinds of diseases on fertility and behaviours when it comes to pregnancy. Investigators screened these types of concerns througly plus results are non conclusive! plus, The actual quantity involving females within the Us having their own first baby at or even subsequently after age 30 has quadrupled ever since the mid-70s!
Hi Siobhán, Ireland I am Daiva I living in Ireland I would like to contact with you please .
Hi please send my husband and I any information on invetro I have had my tubes tied 7 years ago and I believe I have been called to have more children thank you
I recent;y went to the Kaali Institute to inquire about IVF and I was less than impressed (and I’m being polite here!) with Dr. Kovacs and the KI. Dr. Kovacs is a typically narrow-minded and judgemental Hungarian doctor and the people at the front desk weren’t much better!!! Dr. Kovacs only “likes” two types of patients: those very young women who will guarantee the clinic’s “high” success rate (of course it will always be “high” if you only choose the optimal patients and not the more challenging ones!) and ones with a lot of money. I went to Versys Clinics (www.versysclinics.com) in Budapest and had much different and more positive experience. The doctor there, Dr. Attila Vereczkey, seems to truly care about the patients and he is up to date on current IVF procedures, even ones done in the U.S., and you can get IVF for a fourth of the price it would cost in the U.S. Try this clinic and NOT Kaali if you really want an experience like the one you would find in the U.S. (a doctor with a good bedside manner, a positive attitude and caring feedback) for a fraction of the cost.
Upper age limit for the woman concerning IVF (ICSI) ?
Sincerely torbjorn
I am a female and was wondering is it possible for me and my girlfriend to have a baby with both our DNA, and a averge price this may cost
I am 38 yrs mother of 2 girls with age 14 and 8. I had a surgery in 19992 in Hungary when my right fallopian tube and ovary was removed.In 2004 after my 2nd delivery I requested to close my remaining tube. Is very unfortunate but with my partner we are wishing for a baby and I would like to know my chances. I am very healthy,fit with no any medical problems.
Hi Sue
I have a consultation with Dr Kovacs next week and its been very useful to read your information. I just wondered what the outcome was with your IVF treatment?
Hi Karen,
We were very impressed with Dr Kovacs when we visited him. Unfortunately due to work pressures and the problems I had getting my thyroid under control we never actually got back for the treatment – maybe it was my nerves as much as anything!!!
We wish you every luck, they certainly appeared very good there from what we saw.
All the very best,
I have to say we were very impressed with the care we received at the Kaali institute and would recommend it to anybody. There was a language barrier but nothing that couldnt be worked around and Dr Kovacs responded quickly to email communications before, during and after our treatment. We will definitely be returning for a second course of IVF/ICSI after a successful firt attempt resulting in a gorgeous girl – now 18 months old.
Hi Debwill,
Congratulations on your gorgeous girl. I agree with you regarding Kaali Institute, and although there may be a language barrier with some staff Dr Kovacs English was perfect.
Good luck with your second attampt.
All the best,
Sue xx
I have also be in contact with Dr. Kovacs and he is very prompt with his emails responses in comparison with other clinics in Budapest. I also would like to add that Kaali clinic has BMI restrictions: “We start treatments up until a BMI of 35 but if medical problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, etc.) are present then only up until a BMI of 30.”
@Christine Could you please email as your experience and Kaali has given food to the thought that with BMI restrictions Kaali could possibly be interested only in taking on the “easy” cases.
I’m posting this here as this is where I first Heard of the Versys Clinic in Budapest. After reviewing 3 different clinic in Budapest for IVF we choose Versys Clinic as they offered the option to freeze my partners sperm so that he didn’t have to return for the actual procedure. I personally CANNOT RECOMMEND THE VERSYS CLINIC. I had a very horrible experience there!! It started during the egg retrieval and the after care. Up until the egg retrieval there was no indication that there was anything not going to go right and everyone in the “front area” spoke at least some english. On the day of the retrieval I became very quickly aware that in the procedure area NO ONE spoke any english! After the procedure I had no idea what was going to happen after a couple of hours the dr. (who was not the dr. that had treated me up until that point) came in to tell me that they were only able to retrieve 2 eggs. He was very uncaring about the whole thing. It took OVER A WEEK for me to be able to talk to my “normal” dr. to find out what went wrong!! And to top it off they charge not only more than the Kaali Inst, but over 500 euros more than they charge Hungarians!!! I will be more than happy to personally get into more detail with anyone who is interested to find out more. Please! Stay away from the Versys Clinic, they are not equipped to deal or treat foreigners!!! I know that IVF is no guarantee so I knew that this IVF might not end with me being pregnant – I am however very upset of how impersonal and uninterested the clinic treated me. I was simply someone who was filling their bank account 🙁
Had the Kaali offered to freeze the sperm we would have gone with them- now I really wish we had.
Hi Heidi,
So sorry to hear of your unpleasant experience with Versys Clinic. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all, it really helps to hear of personal experiences when trying to select a clinic.
I hope you manage to have a better experience somewhere else if you choose to try again.
All the very best,
Hi, does anybody know, if there is a legal age limit for IVF treatment in Hungary ?
Please let me know, because I got different informations before.
Thank you.
Hi Tara,
I have just had a response from Gordon to your question, here is the reply:
Hello Tara
my hungarian partner, Kati and I had successful IVF here in Hungary at Kaali (uk male 43, hungarian female 35)
she has just checked on line for you and there is no legal age limit in Hungary, (the only legal condition is that the woman is still ovulating and has not reached menopause)
having had the benefit of Kaali this year, the joy it has brought us with a wonderful healthy baby boy and also having a native Hungarian speaker we are happy to help people with their enquiries
we also run a small accommodation business here in Budapest and are happy to advise people on where to stay, transport to and from Kaali as well as share our own experience with them
you can contact us directly through our website http://www.budapestlets.com
best wishes
gordon cross
For short term holiday accommodation in beautiful Budapest,visit our website at http://www.budapestlets.com.
All the best,
Hi everyone,
Any latest experiences with Kaali Inst. We are planning to try again our luck. Unfortunately we can’t afford IVF again here in Ireland. It would be of great help. Thank you.
Did anyone have success with azoospermia and andrologist Dr. Gyorgy Papp working with Kaali Institute? Are there any more success stories from Kaali Institute. We have seen Dr. Kovacs and should be starting with him, but want to hear more positive feedback!
Hello my name is Solange Asadov I am 44 years old I will be 45 on February 26 I had tubal ligation 13 year’s ago I got remarried to wonderful men his name is Firdavs Asadov wetrying yo have a baby the ivf in state of New York City are very expensive 15,000 to 22,000 and the medication is 4,000 to 6,000 we have all of our blood results and others copy too me and husband would love to come next month before my birthday please help us you could email me or call me on my cell phone 718 600-2858 for more information please and Firdavs age 31 years old his last sperm count was 14.0000 very low thank you so much god bless your Amen. ..
I am 61 years old and my partner is 51 years and we would like IVF Where can I getIVF TREATMENT
I am a 46 year old Indian doctor and my wife is 44 year old from Iran(Parsi). We tried IVF with wife’s own egg, but couldn’t get any result. Now, we are interested to go through IVF at your clinic with donor’s egg. Please let us know cost including cheapest stay with other expenses in Hungary. Rgds
Hello! I am 46 years old and have been sterilized me about 6 years ago ago. Have several children. And now I have reached a new wonderful man, and now we want to get together children together. Could you help us? With my eggs and my husband’s sperm. What would this cost?
Before I gave birth to my last child in 2009, I had irregular menstruation,
after that it became a regular.
I have my menstrationcykel as usual and plentiful menstrationer then about 7 years.
Have menstruation for 5 -6 days and comes almost exactly on the same day of the month, may differ 1-2 days only.
Menstrationcykel is about 28 days.
In my family, then menopause after 50 years of-age
given birth to five children, these are numbers 1991, 1994, 1996, 2005 and 2009 all shapely, 3 boys 2 girls.
No complications during pregnancy or childbirth.