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Archive for the 'IVF Success' Category

IVF Cost at Kaali Inst IVF Centre, Hungary – great information!

I thought it could be worth showing you some of the responses that I have had from clinics around the world to give an insight into the way that they operate and the costs that they charge at the specific clinic. As an idea of the cost of IVF in Hungary I am going to […]


Oh my gosh this is incredible… I saw the interview of a Ryan Higgins and Frank Kern – you can check it out here – that could change the way you manifest anything you want into your life. I then set about making my own personal mind movie – rather fiddly as I didn’t have […]

How to Get Pregnant – Mind Movie

I read an article in Heraldsun recently that said “Infertile women’s brains – and not just their bodies – may be blocking them from conceiving a baby.” In my career I do a lot of work on leadership development and overcoming limiting beliefs so this really rang a chord with me. Not long after reading […]

Welcome to – the place where we check out IVF costs.

Welcome everybody! It has taken me a while to write this post – I can be a bit shy talking about such personal issues – but I thought I should put up an introductory post here to tell you who I am and why I have developed this blog. I imagine that if you are […]

IVF success could be improved by new technology to select the healthiest embryos

We may only be 5 years away from dramatically increasing the success rate of IVF treatment – although at the moment only mice are benefiting! A team of scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a microfluidic chip that can measure the health of an embryo by determining the nutrients that they take in. […]

Reduce your total IVF Cost by increasing the IVF Success by almost 50%

There is now a new pioneering procedure that can increase the chances of pregnancy by almost 50% over traditional IVF procedures – hence reducing your total IVF cost. It uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the embryo, this stops ice crystals forming since it is fast frozen using this coldest form known to man (minus 190 […]