IVF Cost at New Hope Fertility Centre, Mexico – absolutely fantastic information, a MUST read!!
I became so excited when I received the reply from Dr. Alejandro Chavez-Badiola of the New Hope Fertility Centre in Mexico. I must admit that the feeling that I got was that I had found the place I want to go to! And I thought I had narrowed my choices down to two, one close to home in Hungary (Kaali Inst IVF Centre) and one on the continent I love, Africa (Nairobi IVF Centre) – but this has really put a spanner in the works!
A quick reply to my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure – the very next day, and a very thorough reply. Not only that but Dr. Chavez-Badiola is offering something that nobody else has mentioned – Mini-IVF – less drugs, less cost – what more could a gal want!!! I need to get on with the savings – but then again he has also pointed me in a direction where I may be able to make some money to be able to afford this!! I am buzzing!
This reply is a MUST READ, especially if, like me, age is not on your side.
Prices are already in US$. If you want to contact Dr. Chavez-Badiola the email address is a.chavez@badiolaconsultores.com. They don’t appear to have a website though.
I’ll stop rambling now and let you read this superb reply.
Dear Sue,
I will answer your questions ?on the go?. I visited your blog and I was deeply impressed. I found it very comprehensive and therefore I will make a couple of observations at the end of this letter.
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Alejandro Chavez-Badiola, I am a gynaecologist with training in reproductive medicine at the largest IVF centre in the UK (the Hewitt Centre for Reproductive Medicine, at the Liverpool Women?s Hospital). Following this two-year training I pursued further training in NY and Tokyo, where I learned my area of special interest: Minimal stimulation and Natural Cycle IVF.
Since you have done quite a lot of research I will use a more technical language, although feel free to ask for any clarifications if you feel the need. Now, to answer your questions:
1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)
Pregnancy rate per started cycle is 46% (60% per embryo transfer) for traditional IVF and 32% for Minimal stimulation IVF.
Standard IVF pregnancy rates:
<35 yrs: 56%
35 to 38: 48%
38: 36%
Depending on your FSH levels, someone your age will probably have a poor response to stimulation drugs and, no matter how high the hormones? dose we use, you will probably end-up producing fewer eggs than the ?ideal? number (according to traditional IVF standards). This is where Mini-IVF becomes your allied.
With Mini-IVF, you will be stimulated with oral medication and maybe with some injectable hormones (gonadotrophins), but usually no more than three injections overall. This stimulation will allow your ovaries to produce only the best quality eggs your body can produce in that specific cycle. In fewer words, I focus on egg quality rather than quantity.
2. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?
In Mexico only we perform around 500 cycles a year.
3. What is the maximum age that you treat?
As long as you still have regular periods we can offer you IVF with your eggs (no age limit). As mentioned above, to focus on egg quality rather than total egg number, allow us to offer woman our ?one egg- one embryo- one baby? philosophy.
If willing (or in need) to undergo donor IVF, we have a donors? egg bank where women can choose from (there is no waiting list). For women over 50 years old, their particular cases would have to undergo internal ethics committee approval.
Donors? eggs are cryopreserved with the latest technology called vitrification (Cryotop method), which has shown egg survival rates >98% with fertilisation, implantation and pregnancy rates comparable to those from fresh eggs. These results have been widely published in reputable journals and results are consistent throughout fertility centres in Italy, Spain, Japan, USA and Mexico.
This is our key to offer eggs from a large database and without waiting.
4. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?
At the moment we still don?t offer PGD (we will from summer 2009), and therefore gender selection. We also avoid surrogacy.
5. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time?
A positive pregnancy test is not what I?m after, but for you to take home a HEALTHY baby. This is: to avoid twin pregnancies… triplets or higher order multiple pregnancies are out of the question and are considered by me as a treatment failure.
One of the reasons why IVF centres transfer so many embryos is because their cryopreserving (freezing) techniques are unreliable and they know that only half of those frozen embryos will survive thawing. With our vitrification technology we know frozen embryos will survive (>96%), which allow us to transfer fewer embryos but to offer more embryo transfers per started cycle, which at the end make no difference in live-birth rates but they do in multiple pregnancy rates and associated complications.
Having said all of the above, there are no regulations in Mexico regarding embryo transfer and after proper counselling couples decide on final number of embryos to be transferred.
6. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?
Based on today?s exchange rate:
– Standard IVF $3,ooo USD (plus medication and blood tests?around $1,ooo to 1,5oo USD)
– Mini-IVF $2,2oo USD (plus medication and blood test?around $150 USD)
– 3- Month treatment package with Mini-IVF $5,ooo USD (plus medication and blood tests)
Cryopreservation is not included in costs (except in the 3-Month package), which is around 3oo USD
7. What additional costs would / could be incurred?
– Medications
– Initial consultation and tests (which can be performed at home?HIV, hep B&C, etc)
– Bloods during follow-up
– Cryopreservation
– Treatment/ management of IVF related complications (e.g. OHSS- hyperstimulation syndrome)
8. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?
You only pay for what you get; rest of money goes towards your next cycle. As a very general guide you can divide treatment cost in this way:
– 1/3 for stimulation follow-up
– 1/3 for egg collection and lab expenses
– 1/3 for embryo transfer
So, for example, if a cycle is cancelled before egg collection you will have 2/3 of your money back towards your next IVF cycle. Costs related to drugs are not reimbursed in any situation.
9. How long would I need to be in Mexico for?
If you manage to get your own medication and to have a baseline ultrasound performed at home, then it?s a minimum of 10 days for standard IVF and Mini-IVF; and 6 days for natural cycles.
If you want to have initial consultation/ tests, baseline scan and drugs from us, then we?re talking about 12 to 15 days.
10.Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?
We can help you to get very good deals for accommodation. We can personally take care for airport-hotel-clinic transportation, but you will have to deal with flights and final reservations (hotel) yourselves.
11. How is the pre-treatment carried out?
Once you ask for treatment I will send you a list of tests you need to up-date (or have done with us if you rather to), and a basic medical history format to fill-out. Once this is in place, you only have to let us know when you are planning for treatment and call with your menstrual period one month ahead of treatment. This, since depending on your age (probably not in your case), we?d like to prepare your ovaries with a short course of oral contraceptives.
If you?re having baseline scan and drugs at home let us know so we can find a friend doctor to help you out. We?d like to be in touch with you both (your doctor and you), so we can let you know on the best time to come to us for further surveillance and time of egg collection.
12. How do I get medication?
If you decide to have all done over here, you can get it from us. If not just let me know where you live and I can get a doctor to hand you a prescription after you have been properly scanned and appropriate dosage established.
13. How will I be monitored?
– Baseline transvaginal scan + day 3 FSH, LH, progesterone (P4), and oestradiol (E2)
– Day 8 follow-up scan + E2, FSH
– Day 10-11 scan + E2, LH, P4
– Day 12-13 scan + E2, LH, P4
More frequent or extended monitoring is required in some cases.
14. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?
According to findings during monitoring, mainly ultrasound examinations and oestradiol levels and FSH levels on initial stimulation bloods.
15. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?
– North West England and Wales: Mr. Andrew Drakeley
– London: Mr. Luciano Nardo
– Scotland (Aberdeen): Prof. Mark Hamilton
If none of these are convenient for you I could recommend you some other doctors within these regions or maybe even closer to you. Remember, I wa trained in the UK and I got to know a lot of very good and reliable IVF doctors over there.
16. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?
No for the moment, although we are working towards being eligible to send our data to the ASRM in the USA and to get an NY State certificate for our IVF lab.
17. How long is the waiting list for IVF treatment?
We have an overwhelming capacity, and since IVF is private medicine in Mexico, there is no waiting list for any of our treatments.
Finally, after so much research you have found that statistics are rather easy to manipulate and success rates, most of times only say an incomplete true. Look for pregnancy rates per started cycle (HFEA statistics are very reliable), and most important to women your age: pregnancy rates within a time frame… Mini-IVF will offer you the best chances of pregnancy within 6 months as well as the most cost-effective form of treatment. For more detailed information visit www.newhopefertility.com
Costs in NY are higher than in Mexico, but you can get hold on a lot of info within our website (Mexican website is still on-going work).
Your blog should be sponsored by pharmaceutical companies (keep avoiding adverts from individual doctors or clinics), and if you want to I could get you in touch with a non profit organisation in Mexico called AMI (Mexican Association of Infertility), run by patients as yourself who would very much appreciate all of your hard work.
Congratulations, my best wishes on your enterprise of becoming a mom yourself.
Kind regards,
Dr. Alejandro Chavez-Badiola
Medical Director, New Hope Fertility Centre Mexico
Dear Tony:
New Hope heard you want to come to México but you´re worried about the language, Don´t worry about it! all our staff speaks spanish and we will make you feel at home.
If you want more information please write to drchavez-badiola@nhfc.com.
We will guide you step by step until your dream comes true!
Dear Tony:
New Hope heard you want to come to México but you´re worried about the language, Don´t worry about it! all our staff speaks english and we will make you feel at home.
If you want more information please write to drchavez-badiola@nhfc.com.
We will guide you step by step until your dream comes true!
I am looking for a black or mixed race egg donor? Can anyone help?
Or anyone who is looking for eggs.I’m white, 32 yrs old, with male fertility problems and Im looking for an egg share program, as In I split half my eggs in return for the recipient paying for my in vitro!! I’ve only found one program like this and the wait is years long!! I’m also interested in going over seas for invitro.
I am sending a test note since my last long note got deleted…
It is IMPORTANT to note that only ONE person (Jon) on this blog has successfully given birth to a live baby and that was with Dr. Ruvalcaba. Lots of people have said they were going for IVF, but no one has gotten back to the blog…so if anyone is out there we would love to hear of RESULTS of IVF…both positive outcomes and negative. Even if you Loved your doctor but your IVF was unsucceasful, we need to hear it! It would help us all!! I see that Dr. Chavez-Badiola and New Hope both come on this blog…my questions to you are can you give us emails of English speaking people who have successfully given birth to live babies from your IVF treatments (i know I would be so happy if I got pregnant, I would be thrilled (like Jon is) to talk to people like me looking for other options)…I would be particularly interested in anyone who successfully used Egg Donor with MicroSort and standard IVF. Also Dr. Chavez-Badiola or anyone at New Hope, does Mexico have anything like SART in the U.S.? SART at http://www.sart.org gives very specific, detailed statistics for each clinic on each of IVF procedures based on age, etc. Does Mexico have anything like this? Why do many clinics in the U.S. Have egg donor statistics up close to 70% but all the clinics in Mexico say they are only at 60%? Also, how can all the Mexico clinics have the same 60% success rate with egg donor…it seems to me all the clinics could not be the same so that means that the clinics with less success still quote the national statistic of
…continued…So Dr. Chavez-Badiola, what are your specific clinics success rate with egg donor? Does MicroSort lower success rates? If yes, why? I think if we could all have referrals we could email, statistics and then a conference call, it would help us all make informed decisions!
And Jon did you go back in December for your other IVF with MicroSort as you planned? What was result…do you know yet?
Hi Questions,
Thank you for your input to this blog. I hope that the long note you sent (very pertinent) was the ones that I approved and had not actually been deleted. I apologise for the delay between you writing a note and it appearing on the blog, however I receive 200 – 300 comments a day on the blog, much of which is spam. Since I don’t want genuine people having to wade through a mass of spam (I think that would make the site unreadable) I insist of moderating the comments and manually go through them to delete the spam. Since there are so many comments then can be times when I accidentally delete a genuine one and I apologise for that. If anybody feels that their comment has not appreaed which was relevant to the posting please do let me know.
All the best,
Hi Babydreams
Thanks for the offer.
It would have been a good situation for both of us, but I am Black and my DH is Caucasion, hence the need for a BLACK or MIXED RACE donor.
Like you, I am also looking for someone who will donate their eggs to me and and I would pay for the IVF treatment for this person/donor.
Hello Camille my name is Velva im willing to donate my eggs. Im not sure the process but I will to work with you:) You can contact me via email VelvaCorzen@gmail.com
Is there anyone out there looking for an egg donor!! Im a black female looking to donate my eggs in return for helping me finance my IVF.
Hi Nakia
You can each me at camille2011@live.ca
Hola Doctor.
Soy un hombre de 48 años que decidió iniciar una relación con una persona joven. Por razones personales decidí hace más de 15 años practicarme la vasectomía.
Ahora por mutuo acuerdo decidí con mi nueva pareja intentar tener un bebé, sin embargo el médico que consultamos nos dijo que por el tiempo y mi edad ella ya no podría embarazarce. El nos comenta que ella es 100% fértil pero yo no. quisiera yo preguntarle si clínicamente es posible fecundarla a ella, me queda claro que tendría que ser con espermas de otra persona.
Existe esa posibilidad ? es seguro y tiene éxito ? el costo de ese proceso médico es muy costoso ?
No sabe como agradeceré su respuesta.
Muchas gracias.
Hi Sue, I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now hoping to someday have the finances to start an ivf cycle. I think that day might be approaching and I really like the idea of a mini ivf at the new hope fertility center! I was wondering if you know that they have locations in new york and mexico among others? Do you know off hand if the price changes depending on location? I’m just wondering if it would be cheaper for me to fly to mexico if the cost is significantly lower than new york. Thank you for all of your valuable information!! Sincerely, Linda
Hi Linda,
Great to hear you are approaching the time to start your treatment. I have not heard if the prices have changed but I have forwarded your message to Dr. Chavez-Badiola and he should let you know the current prices for Mexico and New York.
All the very best with your treatment, and please do let me know how you get on.
Sue xx
Me gustaria saber mas de Ivf y el costo, Yo tengo Los Tubos ligados desde hace 9 años y ahora quiero un hijo por favor mandeme cualquier información
I have been TTC for over 5yrs. This blog has been very informative on options that were not suggested to me before. Now to convince the hubby to take a vacation in Mexico! Thanks
Hi Melissa,
So pleased my blog has been helpful to you and best of luck in convincing the hubby on that trip to Mexico. I have my fingers crossed for you.
All the very best,
to sue i contacted dr badiola,hopefully he will reply to em promptly but i understand he is a very busy man, i wanted to know how much it will cost me for egg donor on top of the baselien price for mini ivf, this give me soem hope, i am almost losing hope and feeling liek gicving up on having a child with my husband,you see i am 33 yrs old but when i was 17 yrs odl i was diagnoxzed premature ovarian failure and doctor said they cant even see my ovaries nor my uterus so basically i may nto have uterus ,but just this february by accident a doctro found out i have normal size and shape uterus, so now i have been thinking ivf with my husband we got excited until i founfd out my fsh is 35 from 15 when i was 17 yrs old, so i need egg donor,but i dont knwo how much this will cost us, we will going to open a baby fund and save money, its an emotional roller coaster, i thought years and years ago i already accepted i will be childless, then all of a sudden i was told i may have a chance with in vitro fertilization according to my fertility doctor ,but they told me 20,000$ if i need to use egg donor, we cant afford that , i am happy with your blog site and i will check into this, thank you so much and goodluck to your journey
Hi Jeanette,
I have my fingers crossed that Dr Badiola replies to you soon, and I have also forwarded your message to him just to try to make sure. It certainly is an emotional roller coaster, I really hope it ends on a high for you. The prices are certainly much cheaper in Mexico so hopefully they will be able to help and fulfill your dreams.
I wish you every luck.
Sue xxx
i think i would check IMI too,its 6 am here now, where u at sue? u still awake? i havent slept yet, im so anxious, i have read that it costs 7000$ with latin egg donor, it suits me good though because i am partly latin partly filipino at partly chinese, my husband is a caucasian white , i still would liek to resemble my woudl be child i think that is just normal to want , i know my case si different as its not biologically from me but it still the same from me, i will carry my baby ,its gonna be my babay, its gonna be me and my husband’s baby no matter how we see it in my heart, i wonder what does couple plan to tell their child or if they will keep it a secret, its conveniene tto just keep it a secret, but i dont knwo if it should be right or for the best or just flatly wrong, i wonder what is their take on this
Hi Jeanette,
I’m in the UK, so it’s just past 11am here. I don’t think it matters if you tell them or you don’t, what matters is what is in your heart. The key is not to keep a secret that you end up worrying about them finding out. What is true is that you wanted them so badly and love them so much that you were willing to go through what you are going through to have them – how much more special could a child feel than that?
Sue xx
that was the sweetest thing ever said to be ,besides what my hubby tells me everyday
thank you so much you dont knwo how much emotionally helpful you are besides the information ,you must be God sent i knwo that, i knwo i need to sleep but i am gettign excited i m so happy i found your blog i cant stop myself saying that .thank God for people like you
i got dr badiola’s reply really promplty and precise answer, although im sitll looking into other facility in hungary which may nto work for me anyway they dont have egg donors , so hopefully we can save the money in a year’s time ,meanwhile we will pray this can work for us , i wish to hear from other women here i would loev to knwo how you all are with your journey
That’s excellent Jeanette, so please for you.
Sue xxx
I’m interested in IVF treatment. Could you send me more information.
Hello Everyone,
I received a quick response from the doctor and we’re waiting to get the paper work finalized and hopefully head to Mexico.
Is anyone going there soon? Please keep me posted, as it would be nice to have someone else there, that is going through what we’re are going through to talk to.
Hello Jennette,
How is your journey coming along? I sincerely hope that you’ve gone and have some news about the clinic to share.
Will be praying for you as I pray for myself:)
Kudos Sue – and thanks for maintaining the blog all these years!
Hi Gwen,
I submitted an email to New Hope MX through their website yesterday. I was actually doing some further research about them and came across this blog. I am still awaiting a response from New Hope, but assuming all goes well, we are hoping to move quickly. I agree, it would be nice to have a buddy through this process. It seems like a few weeks have passed since you last posted a comment – how is your journey coming along?
Hello Nat,
All is well….. We just got our first phone call appointment with the good doctor:)
My husband has tons of questions for him and so do I.
Based on that, we can start the adventure in earnest….
Hi Gwen,
We have lots of questions too. I found his letter to Sue to be very comprehensive. However, considering that it has been a couple years, I wanted to verify some of the information is still valid, and I had some additional specific questions. So I am eagerly looking forward to receiving a response – I have not heard back as yet, but I am still hopeful I will hear from him soon.
How far away is your phone appointment? I hope you don’t have to wait too long. One of my major concerns in selecting a clinic is their patient load. This is my second shot at IVF and from experience I know that having a doctor who has the time to explain and guide you through the process is non-negotiable. Are you evaluating any other clinics? Countries?
Hello Nat,
What’s your e-mail address, so we can really discuss our current situation:)?
Hi Gwen,
It is – nanachow@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for the wonderful help!!! This is great, not only for the information but also for the input that everybody is giving. It is nice to know I can identify with most of this ladies.
It’s a pleasure Silvana, so pleased you have found it useful.
All the very best,
I’m planning on going with Dr. Chavez-Badiola this month does anyone have any information on him? Has anyone ever got pregant with IVF treatment by him? I’m planning to have mini ivf, microsorrt and PGD. Any information will help…
Hi my name is jacky I am wanting to try the mini Ivf I am 25 do u think it can work for me ??
My wife and I just returned from the New Hope in NYC this week. We met with the director (Dr. John Zhang) who is also the director of the Mexico Clinic where Dr. Chavez practices. The entire experience was fantastic! We are definitely having mini ivf at the Mexico clinic.
@ Veronica – Have you gone to NHMexico yet? How was your experience?
That’s excellent LW, so pleased you’ve had a great experience. Do keep us informed as to how you get on.
All the very best,
Hi All,
My wife and I are off to New Hope Mexico on December 11th to begin Mini IVF.
Will stay until around the 26th. Will keep you all posted on the experience. So far the biggest challenge has been communication via telephone. The work around has been
email and constantly calling to reach contact person. The phone service in general seems poor with calls dropping.
All the best,
We wish you all the best LW, and look forward to your updates.
Sue xx
We did ivf with Dr Chavez Badiola at New Hope Fertility Center Guadalajara and I am currently feeling like garbage. But that is a good thing because I am SIX WEEKS PREGNANT!!!!
Treatment with Dr Badiola was the best experience of my life.
2 tries and we’re prego after 4 years trying in the states.
Congratulations Sdlr, that is wonderful news.
All the best,
My wife and I had a wonderful experience at New Hope in Guadalajara. We were able to retrieve enough eggs to begin creating embryos. We have opted to wait a few years before moving forward while I have our first child using my eggs. It did take 4 cycles although age was a factor as my wife is 45. New Hope is located in what would be their Beverly Hills and is very modern and clean. All staff were friendly and very helpful. Would and will advise my friends and alike to utilize NH.
Update – We have decided to do Mini IVF in January using my eggs, doing a fresh embryo transfer on the spot. Will return in a few years as posted above to use my wife’s eggs to which have already been retrieved. It’s possible we may wait till March but most likely not. Will keep you posted.
Here’s a video of Dr. Chavez:
[…] IVF Cost at New Hope Fertility Centre, Mexico – absolutely … – DO U TREAT PEOPLE 45YRS UP .WHAT OF HIV AND HOW MUCH IS ALL … then all of a sudden i was told i may have a chance with in vitro fertilization according to my fertility doctor ,but they … I’m just wondering if it would be cheaper for me to fly to mexico if the cost is significantly lower … […]