IVF Cost at Sint-Lucas Hospital Gent, Belgium

Nine days after I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to Sint-Lucas Hospital Gent in Belgium I received the reply below.

I have included the attachments and have added the approximate costs in US$ in red.

The English version of their website can be found here. Dr Tom Coetsier’s email address is Tom.Coetsier@azstlucas.be.

Dear Mrs, Mr,
You will find the requested information in the attached documents. If you would like to make an appointment for further discussion and/or treatment plans, you can call our secretary on tel.no. +3292229922 (Gynaecologic Centre, www.gcgent.be) or +3292246392 (St-Lucas Hospital, www.azstlucas.be). In that case please bring any document that is available about investigations and/or treatments in the past.
Best regards,
Dr. Tom Coetsier
Head of the Department of Infertility of the Sint-Lucas Hospital Gent
 Consultant Infertility Centre University Hospital Gent


Answers to my questions:

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)  averge 35%/cycle, above 40 : 15 %/cycle 
  2. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?  500 
  3. What is the maximum age that you treat?  45 
  4. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?  HIV discordant couples  
  5. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time?  above 40 at least 2 
  6. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?  see attachment 
  7. What additional costs would / could be incurred?  see attachment 
  8. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?  refund 
  9. How long would I need to be in Belgium for?  if folow-up stimulation performed in UK, only from pickup tll transfer (3 days)
  10. Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?  patient 
  11. How is the pre-treatment carried out?  see attachment 
  12. How do I get medication?  in UK 
  13. How will I be monitored?  see attachment 
  14. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?  see attachment 
  15. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?  obs/gyn or gen practitioner 
  16. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?  yes


Attachment 1:


Dear Mrs., Mr.,






in AZ Saint-Lucas Gent





It is an honour for me to offer you the opportunity to be treated in our centre with medically assisted reproductive techniques. These include the full range of possible treatment modalities, including ovulation induction, artificial insemination with own or donor semen, IVF, ICSI with or without MESA/TESE, assisted hatching, cryopreservation of gametes and/or embryos, preimplantation aneuploidy screening, …


As an introduction, I would like to situate our hospital and to illustrate the way IVF-treatment in our hospital is structured.


The Saint-Lucas Hospital is a large regional hospital near the city centre of Gent, the capital of East-Flanders. It has almost 900 beds, employing 15 gynaecologists, with 2600 deliveries a year (largest maternity in Flanders).


The Saint-Lucas Hospital has chosen to cooperate with the University Fertility Centre of Gent. The intake of infertile couples, the ovarian stimulation and the ultrasound monitoring are performed in the Saint-Lucas Hospital or in the Gynaecologic Center Gent (private practice). The ovum pick-up takes place in the Saint-Lucas Hospital and the laboratory procedures (in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer itself) are performed in the IVF-laboratory situated in the University Hospital in Gent after transport of the oocytes in a specifically designed transport-box (It has been shown that the oocyte transport does not influence the IVF-results). We perform about 500 pick-up’s per year, with an average pregnancy rate of about 30 to 35% per cycle (in Belgian patients,  we are not allowed to replace more than 1 embryo in a first attempt).


The advantage of a transport-setting is that we can personally follow each couple, still having the benefit of using a laboratory with maximal expertise. This is not possible within a large university hospital, where it is custom that ever changing doctors and assistants care for the same couple, since a university hospital primarily has a teaching function.

The University IVF-laboratory of Gent (second largest in Belgium with 1400 IVF-cycles per year) has established a wide transport-IVF network with collaborating centres in Flanders, as well as in the Netherlands 35% per ovum pick-up. The University IVF-

laboratory of Gent is performing active research to develop new techniques in IVF. Numerous publications originating from our team have been published in scientific journals.


In our center there is no waiting list, which means that patients can be treated whenever it suits you. The only exception is oocyte donation and PGD-AS, with a waiting list of respectively 1 year and more or less 6 months.


We enclose hereby some documents describing the ways cooperation could be implemented in practice, and leave these notes for your comments.


Of course, we are at your disposal to personally comment or discuss the different aspects.


Looking forward to a successful cooperation,

We remain, Yours Sincerely,



Dr. Tom Coetsier                                 Dr Nele Van Renterghem



Attachment 2 – Costs


Hospital :                                                                                Private practice :

AZ Sint-Lucas Gent                                                             Gynaecologic Center Gent

Groenebriel 1                                                                             Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 142

9000 Gent                                                                                 9000 Gent

BELGIUM                                                                                  BELGIUM

www.azstlucas.be                                                                        www.gcgent.be


tel +32/                                                                 tel +32/

fax +32/9.385.43.66                                                                fax +32/


For emergencies or if no answer on one of the above mentioned numbers, contact the centre on the tel nr : +32/92350746




PRICE LIST IVF-TREATMENT 01/08/2008 – 31/12/2008




Visits to the clinic for consultation or ultrasound scan :                                                                                         50,-  Euro (approx. US$68)


Sperm analysis :                                                                                                                                                 35,-  Euro (approx. US$47)


Blood analysis :                                                                                                                                   depends on the tests to be performed


Medication for 1 IVF/ICSI cycle (standard doses), if provided by our centre :                                          1000,- Euro (approx. US$1,357)                                                                                                 


Hospital admission for ovum pick-up or TESE / MESA procedure :                                                          800,- Euro * (approx. US$1,086)


TESE / MESA laboratory cost (identification of viable sperm cells, freezing of the tissue for 2 years)               350,- Euro (approx. US$475)

Extending conservation time till the maximum of 10 years (as determined by Belgian law)                      600,- Euro (approx. US$815)


Donorsemen for 1 IVF/ICSI cycle :                                                                                                                   150,- Euro (approx. US$204)


IVF or ICSI laboratory cost (IVF-laboratory University Hospital Gent), including                                                     2000,- Euro * (approx. US$2,713)

                oocyte identification, sperm preparation, micro-injection procedure,

                embryo culture, freezing for 2 years, thawing of embryos

Extending conservation time till the maximum of 5 years (as determined by Belgian law)                        300,- Euro (approx. US$407)


Laser assisted hatching                                                                                                                                    250,- Euro (approx. US$339)


Assisted oocyte activation                                                                                                                                 150,- Euro (approx. US$204)


PGD-AS (genetic screening of the embryos (aneuploidy-screening ,FISH))                                          1000,- Euro (approx. US$1,357)

(we do not perform gender selection for non-medical reasons)


Intra-uterine ultrasound-guided transfer of embryos :                                                                                 250,- Euro * (approx. US$339)


Oocyte donation (donor renumeration) :                                                                                                        600,- Euro (approx. US$815)


Coordination fee (incl tel contacts and e-mail correspondence) + administration                                                300,- Euro * (approx US$407)


Extra coordination fee in case of oocyte or embryo donation :                                                                   500,- Euro (approx. US$678)



These figures have to be added to obtain the total price. A typical IVF/ICSI-cycle with stimulation followed elsewhere costs * 800 + 2000 + 250 + 300 = 3350 Euros (approx. US$4,544)





These prices do not include travel expenses nor costs for hotel accomodation.

 The hospital AZ Sint-Lucas is near the city centre of Gent and is only 10 to 15 minutes walking from most centrally located hotels.

The Gent tourism office can inform you about hotel accomodation :

Tel. +32 (9) 266 56 60

Fax +32 (9) 266 56 73

E-mail toerisme@gent.be

Website:                http://www.gent.be


Our staff speeks Dutch, English and French and understands German.


Attachment 3:


Route Description to the Gynaecologic Centre Gent



Coming from Antwerp (E17) take the exit “Gent Centrum”. Follow that
direction. At the second traffic lights the road makes a slight S-turn.
Follow the road for another 100 m or so untill you see theatre “Capitole” on
your right hand side. Keep left because at the next crossing you will have
to take the road between the “Zuid shopping center” on your left and the
“Eat @ Café” in front of you. The name of this road is Vlaanderenstraat (road
with tramrails). Once in the Vlaanderenstraat, take the very first road left
(Oudescheldestraat), passing the back of the shopping center. At the end of
this road, take left again (Kuiperskaai). At the first traffic lights, turn
right (Lammerstraat). At the next traffic lights, turn left : this is the
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat. The “Gynaecologic Centre Gent” is at no.142 on the
right hand side : there is a private parking for patients accessible from the front.

The address :


Gynaecologic Centre Gent

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 142

9000 Gent


Tel. : +32/

Fax.: +32/



MAP : SEE WEBSITE : www.gcgent.be

IVF Cost at EGV Clinic, Latvia

Two days after sending my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to the EGV Clinic in Latvia I received the reply below.

I have added the approximate US$ costs in red.

Their website has a full list of costs on it and there is an English translation. Click here to see full price list.

The questions that I asked were:

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)
  2. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?
  3. What is the maximum age that you treat?
  4. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?
  5. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time?
  6. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?
  7. What additional costs would / could be incurred?
  8. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?
  9. How long would I need to be in Latvia for?
  10. Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?
  11. How is the pre-treatment carried out?
  12. How do I get medication?
  13. How will I be monitored?
  14. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?
  15. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?
  16. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?

The response I got was:

Dear, Sue!
Thank You for choosing our clinic!
I will try to answer to Your questions, so:
1. Successfull rate last year was 39% with fresh embryo transfer procedure.
2. Our clinic make many IVF cycles, so our experience is quite big.
3. In Latvia there is no age limit for IVF procedures.
4. We can’t help to patients, who has HIV positive tests results, or any others body conditions, that don’t aloow to make possible procedure.
5. In Latvia is allowed to transfer 1-3 embryos per time.
6. Wright now IVF procedure costs 1700.00 Euros (approx. US$2,325) (in this price isn’t included Your investigation, treatment and ICSI).
7. In some cases if we will get many embryos for freezing – it will be additional price also for storage in freezer.
8. Half of price You will need to pay by bank money transfer before pick-up eggs procedure and the rest price for all procedures – You will need to pay on day of transfer.
9. In most of cases patients do treatment in their contry and came to Riga when they are ready for pick-up eggs procedure. Then stay in Riga for 4-5 days, and then go back home.
10. All things You have to manage by Yourself.
11.  All treatment I will manage for the distance, so You will have to go to Your doctor for some investigations, like blood tests and untrasound.
12. I can write a prescription for You on Latvian recipe. Then You will have to buy it in Your pharmacy.
13. Like I wrote before, You will have to go to the doctor who will make a ultrasounds, etc.
14. If everything will go good, it won’t happen. And it depends of doctors experience in ultrasound measurments.
15. You will have to go to Your doctor or call emergency.
16. Sorry, but I didn’t understood Your last question. Could You explane it?

Best regards, Maris Arajs, MD.


IVF Cost at Mediterranean Fertility Center & Genetic Services, Crete, Greece – great information!

Twelve days after I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure at the Mediterranean Fertility Center & Genetic Services in Crete, Greece I received the reply below. This is great information with all of my questions addressed directly.

Their website is worth having a look at, there is some good general information on there as well as information about the clinic itself. Click here to go to their website. The full contact details for the clinic are:

Mediterranean Fertility Center & Genetic Services
Jacumakis Ioannis
24 Zimvrakakidon St.
Chania 73136 Crete,Greece

Telephone: +302821090955
Mobile: +306972247074
Fax: +302821090355
e-mail: ivflab@otenet.gr

Good morning
Thank your interest in our clinic, I apologise for the delay to answer you,
I send you an couple investigation paper that you should send back to me, about your infertility problems I would like to have more information about your last treatment, hormonal analysis, also a spermogram of your partner if possible so I can offer you a suitable treatment.
I have answer your question in the att.
Best regards
Monica tsouroupaki
Ivf director
Attachment with answers to my questions:
Thank you for your kind interest in our Center, the Mediterranean Fertility Center & Genetic Services, Chania opened its doors in May 1994. Since its inception, MFCSS has become the leader in Reproductive Medicine and and Assisted Reproduction Technologies in the Island of Crete.

The high rate of fertility together with the quality and devotion of our staff, combined with reasonable prices, attract patients both from Greece and from around the world.

We shall try to answer in a comprehensive way, to your questions:

What is the current success rate for your clinic?

–         The clinical pregnancy  rate (fetal heart beat detected by ultrasound) we obtained last year (2009) for IVF – ET /ICSI with fresh oocytes/embryos, by age for each started cycle, is as follows:

age range 25-30: 45 %
age range: 31-15 :40%
age range 36-40: 26%
age range: over 40: 25 %

The clinical pregnancy rate (fetal heart beat detected by ultrasound) we

obtained last year (2009) for OOCYTE  DONATION  with fresh oocytes/embryos for each ET is:……55 %………………

How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?

In 2009 we performed ……702………. oocyte pick-up procedures for standard IVF and…522………… oocyte donation procedures, with fresh embryos.

What is the maximum age that you treat?

The law in Greece allows to treat female patients not older than 50.

–         Is there any fertility condition that you will not treat?

We treat almost all conditions, even those where egg / sperm donation are required. The law in Greece permits all these procedures.

What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at     one time?

The Greek laws allows the transfer of 2, 3 or 4 embryos at one time depending on the

age of the  patient;  the policy we follow depends therefore on each single case: the doctor together

with the embryologist and the patient will discuss the single case, according to the

number of embryos available: sometimes, especially if there are many embryos it may be reasonable to develop the embryos to the blastocyst stage so

that a  selection of the best embryos will have occurred and the number of embryos

will have decreased through natural selection; if there are many embryos however we

have the facility to freeze extra embryos.

–         What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?

A) IVF cycle ; 2.950, euro ( $ 4,113.47 )
include:ovarian control,sonographie,blood test oestradiol,operation room,anesthesist,
ivf lab procedure,embryo transfer.
B) embryo’s Cryopreservation with Vitrification procedure: 300 euro ( $ 419)
C) ICSI- IMSI sperm injection and best morphology finding. 300 euro ( $ 419)
D) Frozen embryo transfer:( includes all the procedure Thawing and transfer: 1,600 euro ( $ 2,232.)
E) Sperm DNA Fragmentation test: 300 euro ( $ 419.)
F) endometrial biopsy and cells preparation for Co-Culture of the embryos: 600 euro ( $ 836.)
G: Testicular Punction: 800 euro ( $ 1,116. ) include lab, anesthesist,room stay.
H: Sperm Donation: 250 euro ( $ 349.)
I)  Oocyte Donation: 4,500. euro ( $ 6,284.) includes; donor fees,donor medication,donor blood test, anesthesist,lab procedure, for the Recipient:consultation, sonography, embryo transfer.
J) Embryo for Adoption : 3,000 euro ( $ 4,188.)

–         What additional costs would/could be included?

You have to add the costs of transportation from your country to Greece and the costs of accommodation for approx. 1 week.

In addition, you have to add the costs of medication (for ovarian stimulation) and the costs for supplementary procedures, if needed, such as ICSI-IMSI, freezing of embryos, PGD .

–         What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?

The costs will be much lower if for some reason we do not reach the transfer stage: for example if the follicles rupture before presumed ovulation (which happens quite rarely especially with nowadays down regulation protocols) or if  fertilization or subsequent cleavage do not occur

–         How long would I need to be in Greece for?

Usually, our foreign patients stay for 10 days; they are followed by their doctor during the first days of the ovarian stimulation and come to Greece only when they are close to the ovulation day. This prevents patients to come with  no follicles and reduces costs. If patients prefer to come to  Greece right from the beginning of the stimulation we will be very happy to welcome them all the same. The medical costs will not increase.

–         Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?

Usually patients deal with the flights and hotels, but we can help to find hotel at low cost, since the Island of Crete is a touristic place, there are many charter flights coming from all over Europe during spring, summer and early autumn; therefore we inform patients of these opportunities.

–         How is the pre-treatment carried out?

The results of the blood tests and of all required examinations is sent to us by the patients by e-mail or fax. If they have some difficulties in doing these tests at home, they will do them in Greece, once they arrive.

–         How do I get medication?

Usually medication is acquired by the patients in their own country, through their doctors.

How will I be monitored?

Monitoring is performed by vaginal ultrasound examination and by  hormonal blood evaluation. Usually these are performed while the patient is still at home with their doctor and the case is discussed with one of our doctors here by phone. Monitoring is then completed here in Greece as soon as the patient arrives. Sometimes the patient arrives the day before ovum pick-up and therefore the whole monitoring has been performed at home.

How will I know that I am not being under/over stimulated?

If it is the first stimulation, it is not very easy to predict the degree of stimulation, even though there are clues that may help; if a stimulation has already been performed in the past, it is easier to know and decide the right dose of drugs to be used. Anyhow, since the drugs are being administered while the patient is being monitored, we know before ovum pick-up what will be the response of the ovary (under/over stimulation).

–         If I have a problem whilst in my country, who would I go to?

We are on call round the clock and you can call us any time. Moreover, we

have connections with some doctors in many countries.

–         Is the Clinic registered with any regulatory body?

–         Yes under the Helenic Authority of Assisted Reproduction,

–         as the HFEA in England.

I hope we have answered your questions.

Best regards

Monica Tsouroupaki ;  ivf director

Dr. Jannis Jacumakis  ; clinical director

Attachment with the couple investigation questionnaire:


Giannis Giakoumakis obs/gyne

M.Botsary 64 chania 76136

Crete Greece

Please answer the questionnaire,

Fertility history

Female name——————————–                   Age ——————-

Male name —————————————-           Age ——————-

Phone ———————-cell phone ——————-Address……………………

Number and outcome of previous pregnancies——————-none——————–

Viable birth———–spontaneous abortion——————induced abortion———–


Duration of infertility—————–

Previous investigation and treatment of infertility, explain————————-

History of previous assisted reproductive attempts ICSI or IVF

Fertilization failure————–,premature embryo arrest——————–,

Pregnancy failure—————-,early abortion——————–

Explain in details;———————————–

Clinical assessment of female fertility

Menstrual bleeding normal————–,abnormal—————–

Menstrual cycle  regular menses————-, other describe———————

Uterine cavity ( by HSG or Hysteroscopy ) normal———-,other describe————–

Test of tubule patenty

Right side normal———————,other describe——————————

Left side normal——————,other describe————————-

History of diseases with possible adverse effect on fertility:

Endometriosis—————–, Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome——————–,diabetes—————,Thyroid  disease————————,other describe———————-

Laboratories Assessments

1-     andrology investigation

2-     spermogram ( semen analysis )                lab results———————————

ll- endocrinology investigation:

On the third day of period


Prolactine level——————–

III- Genetic investigation prior IVF

Chromosome analysis female        no———-yes———–karyotype—————–

Chromosone analysis partner           no———-yes———–kariotype—————-

Sperm apoptosis            no————-yes————–apoptosic index———%

Aneuploidy test in sparm by FISH    no———–yes—————-

( name which chromosomes were study ———————— result—————–

microdiletion of chromosome Y test no—————yes————-genotype———-

cystic fibrosis test of partner  no———- yes—————– genotype

IV-  microbiology assessments

CMV  no———- yes————

Chlamydia-            -no—————-yes—————

Tuberculosis      no——————-yes—————-

Other describe       ————————-

V  – immunology assessments

Antisperm antibody testing ———————

Describe results —————————

Autoimmune female disorder ——————–

Describe results————————-

IVF Cost at JinePOL Womens’ health and IVF Center, Turkey – great response!

Three days after I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to Selim Senoz at the JenePOL Women’s health and IVF Center in Turkey I received the reply below.

I have added the approximate US$ prices in red.

This is a great response, all questions answered directly and fully, the only thing is that there is no indication as to the cost of the fertility drugs – which we all know can add a significant amount to the cost! Even though, I still think this should be one for my shortlist.

The wesite, found here, only has a map on it, but you can get more information by emailing Selim Senoz at selim.senoz@kadindogum.com.


It is a long list.  Therefore when I receive your mail in my cellular phone, I feel like waiting to find a keyboard. However, you are very much right regarding the question you asked.  They are very important.  However, it is very difficult to control if they are absolutely true.
What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)
The pregnancy rate is around 25-30%, the clinical pregnancy rate 20-25% – take away baby rate (delivery rate) is pretty low – about 10%
The chance does very much depend on the number of oocytes produced.  If she has less than 4 oocytes, the chance is almost ZERO.  Therefore it is very difficult to decide someone’s chance.  History of infertility, if there are previous IVF trials, the outcome of those procedures are very important
How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?
250-300 cycles per year
What is the maximum age that you treat?
Usually after 45 we do not accept patients for IVF.  However, if we believe that she can produce more than 5 oocytes, we can try our chances.  One patient at 47 years old produced 15 oocytes and tried one cycle recently.  She had nice embryos, but did not get pregnant in her first trial.
Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?
I did not understand this question.  If there is chance and the patients are willing to try, we accept them.  If there is no gamet, then we encourage the patients for donation programs.
What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time?
This depends on the previous trial, patient’s history, religious believes etc.  Usually we transfer 2-3 embryos.  If the patient is older than 40 and she declare that she will accept fetosit (elimination one or more fetuses around 10 wks of pregnancy) we may transfer more than 3.  There is no strict policy.  We make a decision with each couple separately.
What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?
1800 Euro (approx. US$2,451) excluding fertility drugs.
What additional costs would / could be incurred?
Nothing. If embryo freezing needed, 300 Euros (approx. US$409) for freezing and for the first year.
What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?
If cycle is canceled before the oocyte pickup, no charge.
If no oocyte is retrieved after an oocyte pickup procedure is done (under general anesthesia), 450 Euro (approx. US$613) is charged.
If no fertilisation occurs and embryo transfer cannot be done, 1000 Euro (approx. US$1362) is charged.
How long would I need to be in Turkey for?
If we have all your data and start your drugs with the help of your local doctor, everything can be done in less than a week.  Otherwise, we have to see you on the first day of your cycle and everything usually takes 2 wks.
Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?
If you like we can help you arranging everything.  However, you have to tell us what kind of hotels you like etc.  It is upto you.
How is the pre-treatment carried out?
If we have your medical history, we can decide the ovulation induction protocol.  For example, if you have already tried high doses of gonadotropins and still got 1-2 oocytes, the best thing is donation program. However, we have some patients who got pregnant with low dose of drugs, sometimes with natural cycle (no gonadotropins at all) after retrieving only one oocytes per cycle.  However, this does not suit you. This regimen needs to live near the clinic because sometimes after all follow-up, we have to cancel the cycle because of premature ovulation.
How do I get medication?
If you are here, we provide the drugs too.
How will I be monitored?
In some cases, we use the local gynecologist willing to help us.  In most cases we do the monitoring.  Usually we have to see the patient 2-4 times before the oocyte pickup.
How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?
When we see you, I will make a guess about how many eggs you will produce.  If you do around that number, the dose means O.K.  The higher dose does not mean  the more oocyte.  Especially POOR RESPONDER patients produce the same number of oocytes with low or very high doses.
If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?
You won’t have a problem after embryo transfer.  If you have problems, it will be related to pregnancy.  You will consult with your local doctors.  There are some possible problems after an embryo transfer: The infection, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).  These are predictable.  At the age of 43, the OHSS is rarely a problem.  You cannot produce that many follicles and a very high estradiol.
Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?
Yes, our clinic is registered with the Ministry of Health.


IVF Cost at Das Kinderwunsch Institut, Austria

Thirteen days after I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to the Kinderwunsch Institut in Austria I received the reply below.

I must admit that I hate just being directed to a website without making sure that it will address all of the questions that I have asked. I did find the cost information on the website though and I have copied this below the reply, adding the approximate US$ costs in red. I assume that any international patients would not be entitled to any of the funding that is discussed.

Thomas Semlitsch
Andrologie, Kryobiologie und Gästeinformation 

A-8143 Dobl, Am Sendergrund 11
Fon: 03136 55111 Fax: 03136 55111 15

Unser Qualitäts-Management-System ist Zertifiziert nach
DIN EN ISO 9001:2000

Thank you for your interest in our institute. .. About all other questions, I would ask you to take a look on our homepage www.kinderwunsch-institut.at (there is also an english version), where you can find an answer for most of them. Concerning the prices, please contact our partner “Premium Health Solutions Austria”, they can also offer you flightconnections and accommodations. (http://www.phs-austria.at/en/index.html)

Best Regards

Thomas Semlitsch, MSc

IVF Costs from the website:

The Kinderwunsch Institute works closely together with the IVF fund which is replenished from the Family Hardship Compensation Fund and the Association of Social Insurers. In most cases this fund assumes 70% of the costs of treatment. Unfortunately, the patients must bear the remaining thirty percent themselves.

Counting the support of the IVF fund, a program of treatment costs 468 EUR (approx. US$632) plus incidental expenses and the cost of medicines, i.e. the cost to be borne by the patient is between 800 (approx. US$1,080) and 1200 EUR (approx. US$1,620) depending on the medicines used and the dosage needed.

For those who must assume the entire cost themselves it is 2200 EUR (approx. US$2,970) for IVF and 2500 EUR (approx. US$3,375) for ICSI, plus medicines.

Women for whom endometriosis or polycystic ovaries has been diagnosed as a possible cause of infertility also receive support from the fund. On the other hand, treatment of infertility as a consequence of voluntary sterilization is not supported by the fund.

As the chances of successful treatment clearly decline from age 37, there is an age limit for applying for support from the IVF fund. It is 40 for women and 50 for men.

For more detailed questions concerning costs you may call us at 0043-3136-55111
or send us a mail-in question (their email address is office@kinderwunsch-institut.at)

IVF Cost at Centro Cantonale di Fertilità, Switzerland

Within four days I received the following reply to my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure from the Centro Cantonale di Fertilità in Switzerland.

I must admit that I am not at all impressed, I am being asked to make an appointment that will cost me CHF 343, which is approximately US$307 and according to all of the other Swiss clinics that have responded to me there is an age limit in Switzerland of 42 years for IVF and I am over this, and had stated my age in my letter! I don’t think I am going to be wasting my time or money!!!

Thank you for your message. We inform you that all treatments are carried out subject to a doctor consultation with the couple and by agreement of both partners. The cost of the first consultation is CHF 343.–.
For appointments and information please contact us from Monday to Friday 8:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 (closed Wednesday afternoon).
Best regards,

Centro Cantonale di Fertilità
Ospedale Regionale di Locarno La Carità
Via Ospedale 1
CH-6600 Locarno
Tel.  0041 (0)91 811 45 38 
       0041 (0)91 811 45 40
Fax  0041 (0)91 811 45 05 

IVF Cost at Prof. Dr.Timur Gurgan Clinic, Turkey – great information!

Four days after I sent my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to the Gurgan Clinic in Turkey I received the excellent reply below. This is one for my shortlist. The website can be found here, unfortunately it does not appear to have an English translation, so only any use to those of you who can read Turkish – which unfortunately I can’t!

I have added the approximate US$ costs in red.


First of all thank you for your interest in our clinic. I will try to answer all of your questions briefly
1- It would not be very accurate to give you or any patient a success rate before you start the treatment in our clinic. Our principle is to evaluate each patient on their own and when they start treatment in our clinic we give them an honest success rate depending on their age, egg and sperm quality and many other different factors. As you might know infertility treatment is very complex and your success rate might be affected by many different factors, even your psycological condition during the treatment. We can give an approximate 25 to 30% average success rate in general (over this percentage would be very unrealistic for any infertility clinic) but of course we had many patients who had chances way over or way below this average. The most correct assumption would be made before the embryo transfer, when we will know the number of high quality embryos you have..
2- We do not have a maximum age for admitting patients. As long as you have healthy eggs and your husband has healthy sperm, we proceed with the treatment. We had many patients over age 40 that achieved healthy pregnancies and had babies.
3- We do not provide egg or sperm donation in our clinic as it is not legally permitted in Turkey. So if you do not produce eggs or we cannot find alive sperm cells in your husband, we won’t be able to offer you donation options. Also according to Turkish law, we can only perform IVF treatment to married couples.
4-We can transfer 3 embryos maximum to the patient again according to the regulations. But we can freeze embryos so if you have more than 3 good quality embryos we can freeze the remaning and use them if your treatment is unsuccessful.
5-The total cost of IVF treatment in our clinic is 4250 YTL (Turkish Liras) (approx. US$2,805) excluding the medications. This price covers your examinations in our clinic throughout the treatment, egg collection and embryo transfer procedures and doctor’s consultations. The IVF medications you will need to buy yourself and The price of medications vary from 1000 (approx. US$660) to 2000 YTL (approx. US$1,320), depending on the type of treatment decided to be performed by our doctors.
6- If you or your husband might need any extra procedures, they will be at extra cost. For example for TESE procedure for men, PGD or embryo freezing procedures will be at extra cost 
7- We perform an average of 1000 IVF treatments per year.
7- If the cycle will be abandoned after the egg collection (meaning no healthy embryos were achieved for transfer) you will get 900 YTL (approx. US$594) of the price back. If the cycle is cancelled before the egg collection meaning no eggs could be achieved with drug stimulation or we couldn’t find any healthy sperm from thu husband even with the TESE, you will be refunded 2500 YTL (approx. US$1,650) of the cost.
8- The treatment takes around 30 to 45 days total starting from the day you come to our clinic for consultation. During that time, you can go back home for the while that you are using the hormone drugs and come back a couple of days before the egg collection. We recommend that you stay here between the egg collection and embryo transfer period (which is usually a couple of days) and also wait a couple days before travelling after the embryo transfer.
9- If you wish, you can let us know when you will be arriving and how long you intend to stay here and we can look for accomodation options for you.
10- The medications we can arrange to be transfered to our clinic for you from the local pharmacy.
11- During the treatment, we will have a nurse describe you how to and when to use the medications. You will be invited to the clinic usually once in every two or three days for vaginal ultrasound to monitor how your eggs are developing.
12- The doctors will get your treatment history and will very carefully evaluate your doses. We also do have treatment options with very low stimulation and if you are eligible for those treatments, they will be offered to you.
13- While in UK, if you have a problem you can contact us and we can refer you to visit a physician or a hospital/ clinic that we know of and trust.
14- All of infertility clinics in Turkey are closely monitored by Turkish Department of Health and inspected by officials regularly. If they do not comply with the law or do not meet the standard regulations, their license is cancelled. Our clinic is the oldest private clinic in Ankara and we are one of the leader institutions in Turkey and our doctors are in the IVF consultant board of health ministry themselves. 
I hope the information I provided is useful. Please contact me if you have further questions..
Best Regards,
Selin Gurgan
Patient Relations Director

IVF Cost at Victory ART Laboratory, Malaysia – great reply!

Although it took a long time – over three weeks – to get a response to my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure at Victory ART Laboratory in Malaysia, when it came it was a great response. I have added the approximate US$ costs in red. This has not gone on my shortlist because of the amount of time that would be needed in Malaysia – I just wish I could afford to be away for that long! The website address can be found in the response.

Dear Sue
First of all, please kindly accept my sincere apologies for my late reply.
Thank you so much for your inquiries and I will try my best to answer your list of questions.  Please kindly see my reply in bold:
You may also find out more information in regards to our laboratories at www.victoryivf.com
Please feel free to contact us again shall you have further enquiry.
Thank you.
Chief Embryologist
Victory ART Laboratory Malaysia

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age) – Since second year of our operation, we have been maintaining a consistant overall clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transfer at above 40% (2005 – 47.9%, 2006 – 47.5%, 2007 – 44.4%, 2008 (Jan – Sept) – 59.2%).  Clincial pregnancy per embryo transfer based on age group: < 26 years old – 57.1%, 26-30 years old: 75.0%, 31-35 years old: 47.3%, 36-40 years old: 34.4%, > 40 years old: 14.3%
  2. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic? – Approximately 70 cases
  3. What is the maximum age that you treat? – We do not set age limit for our patient
  4. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat? – No
  5. What is your embryo transfer policy? – It is based on embryo quality and patient’s age & infertility background   How many embryos will you replace at one time? – Usually 3 grade-I embryos but for patients > 40 years old or embryo quality is less satisfactory, we may consider transfer more than 3 embryos.
  6. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment? – Laboratory fees (including OPU, ICSI, ET, embryo freezing and initial 6 months frozen embryo maintenance) – RM 7000 nett (approx. US$1,995), Clinician fees (OPU & ET) – RM 2500 nett (approx. US$713), Hormonal drugs cost & monitorings during follicular stimulation – RM 6000 – 8000 (approx. US$1,710 – US$2,280) (depending on the amount or dosage of hormonal drugs required).
  7. What additional costs would / could be incurred? – For younger patients who are in risk of OHSS or patients with OHSS, there could be additional cost on post-ET monitorings and albumin infusions.
  8. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned? There will be partial refunds depending on the stage of the cycle when it has to be abandoned.
  9. How long would I need to be in Malaysia for? – 30 – 35 days, provided you give us all the medication / infertility evaluations you and your husband had gone through prior to the commencement of your IVF/ICSI cycle.
  10. Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation? Our clinic will assist you on this matter.
  11. How is the pre-treatment carried out? It involves trans-vaginal scannings and blood tests.
  12. How do I get medication? – Our doctor will provide all needed medications to you.
  13. How will I be monitored? Our doctor will monitor your follicular development via trans-vaginal scan during hormonal stimulations.
  14. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated? – Our doctor will determine the hormonal dosage based on the infertility evaluations done by your doctor.  The dosage prescribed is to stimulate your ovaries to produce app 10 follicles.  However, as our body may react differently towards the hormonal dosage prescribed, there is always a risk of under / over-stimulation.  We will only know the outcome of your response when you have your first TV scan on the 5th day of hormonal injections. 
  15. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to? Any infertility clinics or specialists should be able to assist you.
  16. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body? – Malaysia has yet to have a regulatory body that governs IVF centres in this country.


IVF Cost at UMR, Switzerland

Three days after sending my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to UMR in Switzerland I received an acknowledgement. Since the doctor was away at the time I received the replies to my questions nine days after this when she returned. Unfortunately I am over their maximum age limit of 42, which seems to be the age limit across Switzerland.

The website for UMR can be found here.

Since the answers are brief these are the questions that I asked:

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)
  2. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?
  3. What is the maximum age that you treat?
  4. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?
  5. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time?
  6. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?
  7. What additional costs would / could be incurred?
  8. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?
  9. How long would I need to be in Switzerland for?
  10. Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?
  11. How is the pre-treatment carried out?
  12. How do I get medication?
  13. How will I be monitored?
  14. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?
  15. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?
  16. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?

I have added the approximate costs in US$ in red.


1. the success rate  for IVF is around 50% but we don’t make statistics by age.
2. we perform 180 IVF cycles per year
3. the maximum age is 42 years old
4. age
5. we replace usually 2 embryos but the law allowed to replace 3
6. an IVF cycle costs around 6000-8000 CHF (approx. US$5,342 – US$7,123)
7. every cycle for frozen embryo transfer costs 2000 CHF (approx. US$1,781)
8. for women who have an swiss insurance, the insurance will pay
9. a first appointment and then during 3 weeks
10. the patient deals for the flight and accomodation
11. you need to have an evaluation of your ovarian reserve, all hormonal and serologic status, a sperm analysis and serologic status of your husband
12. the medication can be taken in pharmacy (or here sometimes)
13. the tracking or monitoring can be done in your country, then you won’t stay here 3 weeks but only 5 days
14. with the tracking
15. gynecological emergencies
16. yes
Yours sincerly,
Dr. P.Ventura-Vajda

IVF Cost at Kinderwunsch, Switzerland

About two weeks after sending my letter for information on the IVF costs, IVF success rate and IVF procedure I received the reply below, the second reply shown below arrived a couple of weeks after the first one. Unfortunately I was not given any cost information as I am beyond their maximum age limit of 42. If you are under this age their website can be found here.

First reply:
Unfortunatey we have also an age limit (42 years) in our center. As far as I know this is similar to all other Swiss centers, since eggdonation is prohibited in Switzerland.
Wishing you the best¨
Sincerely yours
C. Urech
Second reply:
Unfortunately I have to tell you, that our center has also an age limit, we don’t treat patients above the age of 42 years. This is because the chances are so low.
I’m sorry to have to disappoint you.
Sincerely yours
Cornelia Urech