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IVF Cost at Miracle Advanced Reproduction & Research Centre, India – great information

Four days after sending my letter requesting the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure atthe Miracle Advanced Reproduction & Research Centre in India I reeived the following reply and a request that I telephone for more information and a general chat about my situation. I have added the US$ costs in red.

I did speak with Mr. Kini on the telephone for some time and had a very informative chat about the options that are open to me. The one thing that I liked very much was that he did not dismiss the possibility that I may be able to conceive with my own eggs – at my age many clinics seem to be saying that I will need donor eggs – but he did say that it would be dependant on the test results. I must admit that this made me feel like an individual and not an “age”! He also said that there were some techniques for improving the quality of the eggs that cannot be done in the UK yet.

This clinic does not have a website but their email address is

Although this is not as cheap as some of the Indian Clinics, Mr. Kini does have a lot of experience and has practised in the West, and he treats you as an individual. This is a clinic we will be considering further on my shortlist.

Thank you for your email.
Let me introduce myself. I am the lead clinician for the clinic. I have over 26 years infertility experience both in the UK and aborad. I worked initially with Mr. Patrick Steptoe and Prof. Bob Edwards of Bourn Hall in Cambridge. I live in the UK and just this month we started the IVf unit in Chennai ( Madras) in Southern Indian State of Tamilnadu. I work from time to time at one of the London clinics in Harley Street. But having got fed up with the red tape and regulations here in the UK I started the clinic in India.

I will try to answer some of your questions:
Our treatment success at age 43 is between 5-10% depending on your baseline FSH levels. If you have done day 2-3 FSH and E2 please let me know.
We anticipate to do around 200 cycles in the first year in India. We also had a unit in Saudi Arabia where we were doing 250-275 cycles per year.
We treat up to the age of 45 once again depending on your hormones.We will explain to you the chances of success before starting any treatment. As far as you know where you stand then it is ok to start.
If you have high FSH then donor egg is the only solution.
We can transfer up to three embryos epending on how many are available and the quality of embryos. We normally transfer n day 2 or 3.
The basic cost is £2000 (approx. US$3,430) per cycle + cost of medication (on the telephone Mr. Kini indicated that this would be approx. £800 – £900, that is US$1,375 – US$1,550) which is all avaiable in India. + cost of flights for you and your partner+ accomodation.
If the cycle is abandoned we charge £ 500 (approx. US$860)
We programme all the cycles with hormones so that you know when to come there and when to start the treatment. Average stay should be 3-4 weeks.
We can arrange hotel accomodation. There are decent hotels very near to the centre. It costs Rs 3600-4600 (approx. US$75 – US$97) per day + food. One £ =Rs80 exchange rate 
I hope I have given you some idea now. I am looking forward to talking to you this evening.

Consultant in Fertility
Miracle Advanced Reproductive Centre
264 Poonamallee High Road
Kilpauk, Chennai 600 010
Tel; 00 91 44 2661 0809
      00 91 44 2532 1767


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12 Responses to “IVF Cost at Miracle Advanced Reproduction & Research Centre, India – great information”

  1. Comment by Torpekai

    Jag bor i Sverige, och har 4 fina flikor. Jag vill föda en bror tiil mina döttrar. Jag kan vara praganant normalt, men jag vill bara välja kön på mitt barn.
    Kan jag göra det hos er? Om ja, hur mycket det kostar ? och hur länge kommer det ta tid ?

  2. Comment by Torpekai

    Helo!I live in Swedeen .I have 4 beautiful daughters , but I want to birth a brother for my daughters. I can be pragnant normally but i just want to select gender of my baby .Can I do that in your clinick?if yes how long will it tak and how much will it cost my ?

  3. Comment by navas ali

    We are now in dubai, we need consult a doctor in dubai…my wife having problem Endometriosis, we did one IVF from kerala _ but not success, cold you please advice your details in duabi …?
    Kind regards,
    Nawas Ali

  4. Comment by admin

    Hi Navas,

    I don’t think Mr. Kini operates in Dubai. To see details of the clinic in Dubai which I have had a response from please go to There is a lionk to their website on the post which will give you all their contact details.

    All the best,

  5. Comment by admin

    I have had a reply from Mr. Kini from a question a reader asked regarding gender selection. I thought it might be very useful information for others so this is what he said:

    “In summary, sex selection before or after conception is against the law in India. So is it in UK as you know. The best way to do sex selection is by PGD ( take a single cell from the embryo and look at the chromosomes in it). We do not do PGD. There are only about two centres doing PGD in Indias.

    However we do sperm selection for ICSI and this way we can select the right sperm for ICSI. We have 85% success by this technique. (PGD gives 95-98%). The cost of the ICSI and sperm selection comes to $8000.
    We can only discuss this with the couple at the consultation on a case by case basis in really deserving cases.

    Please let us know if you want any help.

    By the way we have now moved to a new purpose built centre which is very nice even by UK standards. PLease visit our website: www,

    With Very Best Wishes,

    Sincerely Yours,


    Consultant in Fertility &
    Gynaecological Endocrinology
    Miracle Advanced Reproductive Centre,
    264, Poonamallee High Road,
    Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010.
    Phone: +91 44 2661 0809 / 2532 1767
    Email :

    All the best,

  6. Comment by omar

    the IVF cost and procedure please.

  7. Comment by vida

    WE Are willing to travel to India to start I.V.F. We are on a tight budget, Any, ball park figure would be nice to know? Please e-mail back to talk futher. Thanks

  8. Comment by thamizh

    ICSI treatment done to my wife in this clinic failed for the reason that the doctors here in Miracle Advanced Reproductive center did not do fundamental preparatory treatments properly. NEVER go for costly treatments like IVF or ICSI in this clinic. The doctors are NOT very experienced.

  9. I am sorry to hear from one of our patients comment that the doctors at the Miracle AdvancedReproductive Centre did not tell the reason why thier ICSI treatment failed.
    Often the treatment might have gone without any hitch but there is implantation failure. For this there is no reason. Often it is due to the chromosomal abnormality in the embryos(aneuploidy)
    If the phoned the centre I would be very happy to see them and discuss whole of thier treatment without any cost to them. Please do contact us and I would be in Chennai from 19 September 2011 for 10 days.

    Dr. M. D. Kini. MB.,FRCOG(UK)

  10. Comment by unknown

    ATT : Thamizh

    im a patient of Dr. murthi & Dr. radhika @ miracle advance center, and think they are the best two fertility docs i’ve seen so far in india… They wre with me throughout. If u and ur wife have had any ques’ they wld have been happy to help… Everything happnse accordng to gods plans for us…n we have to take whatever cme along.

    For me personaly ths is the best, cleanst place i’v ben in india so far..

    If u had visited dr.kamala selvaraj @ GG u’ll not comment abt Dr. Kini’s team this way!

    I had my best follicular scan here with Dr.Anitha and ive had alot of horrible scan @so many othr centers in india before…..

    When i walkd in to miracle advance center and met Dr.kini’s team i thought to my self…”God why did u take so long to send me here”

    i will encorge more and more ppl to visit this place with all my heart!

    People, this is the best team and center u’ll ever get in chennai and forever will be with the same standrds!

  11. Comment by admin

    Hi Unknown,

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I hope you have been successful.

    All the best,
    Sue xx

  12. Comment by Ese

    I want to know the cost of ivf treatment in your center,what are the chances for a woman of 40. Should in case the first circle fail what will be the next step and at what cost. How do i book an appointment.