The same day as I sent my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure to IREMA in Spain I received the reply below – I like being told my age is perfect!!!!
I have added the approximate US$ costs in red. The main costs were not on the reply but were in an attachment – these are shown after the reply – all of these are based on donors.
All the contact details for the clinic can be found at the bottom of the reply.
We thank you to contact us.
We enclose herewith our Egg donation Information and cost. Donor and recipient’s drug costs included. As well as a list of hotels near our clinic. They have a special price for our patients.
Actually, we dont have waiting list for egg donation and for the first appointment, the embryo transfer can be done between 45-60 days after the first appointment if all is ok. The pregnancy test rate is over 60%.
The questions I have regarding treatment at your clinic are:
- What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age) The pregnancy test rate is over 60%.Your age is perfect.
- How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic? More than 100
- What is the maximum age that you treat? 51 years old, according to the health of the patient
- Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat? Yes, we have limits
- What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace at one time? Our policy is from 2 to 3 days according to the quality and the quantity of embryos. The transfer is 2 embryos but the patient speaks before with the doctor and the biologist, The transfer can be 1,2 or 3 embryos
- What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment? included
- What additional costs would / could be incurred? included
- What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned? If we cancel because the donor do not answer at the stimulation, no cost for the patient. If the patient cancels, it is necessary to pay the costs that we had with the donor.
- How long would I need to be in Spain for? 1 day for the first visit and 2 days minimum for the transfer of embryos
- Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation? Proposition of hotel included, we do not make the flights. For the first appointment and the transfert of embryos we can send you a taxi to pick you up in the Alicante or Valencia Airport. Cost for the clinic.
- How is the pre-treatment carried out? Before the treatment you begin with a anti-baby pill to synchronize your menstruation with that of the donor
- How do I get medication? We give you medicines and explications during the first visit
- How will I be monitored? You will have to make an ultrasound scan and one test of blood (Estradiol) at your gynecologist of your country during the treatment.
- How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated? By the control of estradiol
- If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to? at your gynecologist of your country. We had have never problem with the patients because the hyperstimulation is more risked at the donor’s
- Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body? Included the certificate of Inscription
The donor is synchronized with you. The donors have a complete control of health. To join our egg donor program you have to do a first appointment in our clinic to open the medical record and to do the tests that can be necessary.
If you have previous treatments, all the information you have (hormones, tests,…) can be useful for us, so you can bring it with you in the first appointment or send it by e-mail or fax (0034 965767320) at my atention. For the first appointment and the transfert of embryos we can send you a taxi to pick you up in the Alicante or Valencia Airport. (Cost for the clinic).
First visit : 130,00 euros (approx. US$164)
Cervix Bacteriology : 30,00 euros (approx. US$38)
Sperm Analysis : 120,00 euros (approx. US$151)
Sperm freezing : 150,00 euros (approx. US$190)
Blood test (HIV, VDRL, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B) and Blood Group : 86,00 euros (approx. US$108) (A person, if your analysis are more than 6 months old).
Should you have questions or require support documentation, please, do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.
We will be happy to meet you.
Best regards,
Sandrine Ott
International Dept.
IREMA. Instituto de Reproducción de la Marina Alta.
Avenida Vergel nº 11
Beniarbeig 03778
(+34) 96 647 72 65

Information in Attachments:
The treatment consists of the following phases:
Includes: Medical control and medication for both, recipient and donor. Donor
screening and fee.
4300 € (approx. US$5418)
Includes: Collection of the oocytes (anaesthesia and theatre fees), ICSI (Sperm
microinjection). Embryo culture.
2100 € (approx. US$2646)
Includes: Embryo transfer. One appointment for pregnancy test.
550 € (approx. US$ 693)
TOTAL TREATMENT………………………………………………………………………………….. 6950€ (approx. US$ 8757)
Complementary techniques:
Sequential embryo culture 310 € (approx. US$391)
Assisted Hatching 310 € (approx. US$391)
Embryo Freezing 500 € (approx. US$630)
Sperm Bank 310 € (approx. US$391)
The First Information Appointment, in which, we inform the patient about the techniques and
treatment indicated in their case, thus, too, the operation of the appointments of Assited
Reproduction and its costs, is for free.
The First Appointment, that can be done the same day of Informative appointment or another day, has a cost of 130 € (approx. US$164). In this first appointment we open the file of the patients and if it is possible we will do an ultrasound scan, and a sample of the cervix will be collected (neck of the uterus) to perform a complete bacteriology , that is not included in the appointment price.
Next Appointments, that we know like “Revisions” have a cost of 68 € (approx. US$86).
The tests made in the fertility study have to be paid the day of their accomplishment.
After the fertility study the pair already will be prepared to begin the appropriate treatment.
The treatment begins with the first visit after the menstruation.
The cost of the treatments of Assited Reproduction include all the process of ovarian stimulation (appointment, ultrasound scans and Estradiol analysis), operating room, anaesthesia, laboratory, stay in the hospital, … and it finalizes with the test of pregnancy.
The mode of payment of the treatments is of the following way:
– First half of the cost of the treatment will be paid after the first consultation of the cycle.
– Second half of the cost of the treatment will be paid when finalizing the treatment. In the
case of an Intrauterine, the day of the insemination. In the case of Fertilization in Vitro,
the day of the ovarian punction.
All these payments will take place in Box of the Hospital.
Guide for the oocytes reception
When by diverse reasons a woman cannot produce oocytes, or these are of insufficient
quality to obtain embryos, the possibility of the anonymous donation of oocytes exists.
This process consists of the fertilization of the donor oocytes with semen of your
husband (or coming from semen bank, if it were necessary) so that the embryos that are
obtained will be transferred into the uterus. So, we will prescribe a medical treatment,
that will allow the development of endometrium (place in which is going to implant the
embryo) so that it will be available to receive the embryos later and can support the
How we do an In Vitro Fertilization with donor eggs:
– From IREMA we will indicate you with what menstruation you must to begin
the treatment.
– Hormonal treatment will be started around first day of the cycle, once we have
done an hormonal analysis and an ultrasound scan. . Hormonal treatment takes
about 7-12 days, depending on donor’s response, because we have to sincronice
both cycles.
– Frequent controls (Ultrasound and hormone) will be done.
– On donor egg extraction day, the man has to bring us a semen sample. It will be
delivered in the laboratory. We recommend an abstinence sexual period of three
– Two or three days after egg extraction, the embryo transfer will be done. We
will inform previously the couple about number and quality embryos that we
have obtained, and all together will decide the embryo number to transfer and to
– We introduce a small catheter through the vagina to perform the embryo
transfer. The embryos will be placed in the uterus. No sedation needed nor
admittance of the patient. About one hour later, the patient can leave the
– From one to three embryos can be transferred. It depends on the desire of the
future parents, on the age of the patient, on the number of realized treatments,
and on the embryo quality.
– After embryo transfer, the patient has to place a medication in the vagina bottom
every night before going to sleep, and to continue with the medication until
doctor indicates. (al least 15 days)
– You will follow light duties during the following days.
– You should not have sexual relations until pregnancy test day.
– After 15 days of embryo transfer, you will have an appointment to do the
pregnancy test. This appointment will be fixed on transference day.
– If the pregnancy is not achieved, after a resting period of one month, a new
treatment can be started. We can start, also, a cryopreserved embryos cycle if
there were cryopreserved embryos.
– Sometimes, light bleeding can take place before doing the pregnancy test, but
you must not stop the medication. If you are in this situation contact with
– If you are pregnant, we will have a new appointment after two weeks, for doing
an ultrasound scan and to see the embryo development in the firsts weeks.