IVF Cost at Centro de Fertilidad del Prado, Tijuana,Mexico

I received a very fast response to my letter requesting information on the IVF cost, IVF success rate and IVF procedure from the Centro de Fertilidad del Prado in Tijuana, Mexico – the reply came the same day!

Their website can be found at http://www.clinicadelafertilidad.com/, however I could not find a button to translate it into English.

The information is direct, which is good, and prices were given in US$.


Hello Sue

  1. What is the current success rate for your clinic? (preferably by age as I know that the success rate will be much lower for somebody of my age)
General succes is arpound 40-45
les than 35..50%
egg donor 50%
more than 40..20% or less
  1. How many cycles do you perform per year at the clinic?
aroun 100 cycles
  1. What is the maximum age that you treat?
  1. Are there any fertility conditions that you will not treat?
no gestacional surrogacy, no homo sex
  1. What is your embryo transfer policy? How many embryos will you replace
at one time?
1st attempt…..day 2-3…..3 embryos….day 5…. 2 embrios
Other depends on the clinical situation
  1. What is the basic cost of the IVF treatment?
IVF and ICSI is same cost 4500 usd plus meds.
  1. What additional costs would / could be incurred?
initgial consultations, initial lab workshop is arouind 600 USD
  1. What happens to the costs if the cycle has to be abandoned?
we make acharge aroud 1000 usd

  1. How long would I need to be in Mexico for?

    around 2 weeks

  2. Who deals with the logistics of flights and accommodation?
People fligtj to san diego usa, we are located 20 minutes from the border
  1. How is the pre-treatment carried out?
Normally by email que can order the tests that we need, as ultrasounds, hormones, semen analysis, infectious tests
  1. How do I get medication?
we can send you an prescription, or if patient came to our clinic we can take for a less price, and we are using Gonal F or Puregon or follistin
  1. How will I be monitored?
we make all monitorings in site
  1. How will I know that I am not being under / over stimulated?
we check it personally
  1. If I have a problem whilst in the UK who would I go to?
You have to have an Gynecologist with basic knowledge on Infertility
  1. Is the clinic registered with any regulatory body?
Or course we are registered in the main sanitary regulations in the state of baja california and federal requiriments from Mexico
  1. How long is the waiting list for IVF treatment?
depends on the tests, ir you are ready and we dond have compromises, you can go straigth

I apologise for the long list, the more I look into having IVF treatment the more complex it seems to get!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr Ortega

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21 Responses to “IVF Cost at Centro de Fertilidad del Prado, Tijuana,Mexico”

  1. Comment by Lilith

    Hi Sue,

    I wanted to know whether you have had your treatment at El Prado in Tijuana and how did it go?



  2. Comment by admin

    Hi Lilith,

    No I have not had treatment at El Prado, in fact I’m still saving for my treatment! It would be good if anyone who has used any of the clinics on the blog would post their comments about it – we do have a few clinics where people have done this and it is a great help.

    Best of luck,

  3. Comment by admin

    Hi Everyone,

    I have just had this information from the clinic which should be very helpful once it is prepared:

    Hello sue.

    Thanks for your attentions.

    Our administrative dept, is preparing a package costs for IVF and ICSI, that includes all medications for ovulation induction.

    This package is going to be designed for patients who are prepared to enter to IVF.

    This is going to include. IVF treatment, medications as (gonal, lucrin, merapur, follistin)

    And now we are offering IMSI (Intramorpholocally sperm injection), improving results, and same price as IVF or ICSI

    Have a nice day

    Dr. Horacio Ortega Clavero
    Centro de Fertilidad del Prado SC
    Bugambilias #50 Suite 503
    Tijuana Baja California, Mexico CP 22440
    Telefono: 52(664) 608-4365
    Fax: 52(664) 608-4330

  4. Comment by Anna

    I am american living in Tijuana. I am a nurse and missionary here. I am planning to visit the hospital and check it out. I am ready for Ivf as well. Do you have any information on the other clĂ­nics here?

  5. Comment by admin

    Hi Anna,

    I don’t have any information on other clinics in Tijuana unfortunately but Jon (who has posted on the New Hope clinic in Mexico) does know a lot about the Mexican clinics. It could certainly be worth dropping him an email at info@MexicoIVF.org to see what he knows.

    All the best,

  6. Comment by veronica reyna

    i want tubal ligtion reverseal sergury . i would like an estmate of cost .

  7. Comment by Stella

    Hi, I just turn 48 this month, we have been trying for 8 years with no lucky, now we have a 34 years old donor who want to help us, my husband is 35 years old. Please let us know if we can get help & tell us the total cost. We are in California we come for consaltation.
    Thank you in advance

  8. Comment by Sarah

    Hi I am a Single Mom By Choice who has one daughter by anonymous sperm donor. I am trying for a second baby. I have had several failed IUIs and do not want to waste any more money (or vials) on them. I live in Los Angeles and cannot afford IVF here.

    I have a cousin I can stay with in San Diego so I am very interested in Tijuana IVF clinics. I have several vials left of my daughter’s donor and would like to bring those vials so that she will have a full sibling. If anyone has had experience with this or other TJ clinics, please let me know.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone!

  9. Comment by alejandro

    Do you offer mini ivf if what’s the cost for regular ivf want info on both.

  10. Comment by Barbara Castaneda

    Hi my name is Barbara, im looking into ivf . Im 27 yrs old and my boyfriend is 29 we been trying to have a baby for 5 yrs but no luck . finally desided to go to a specialist and refer me to ivf but it cost so much money here in california. so a couple of friends sujested tijuana. hope to here from you soon.

  11. Comment by Laura

    Hi my name is Laura i had a question.. my husband had a vasectomy done 10 yrs. ago and we would like to conceive .. is it possible with ivf?? instead of gettingit reversed?? and if so what are the chances of getting pregnant?? thanks

  12. Comment by IVF Mexico

    Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg leads the Fertility Institutes in Guadalajara which belongs to important organizations including the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Pacific Coast Fertility Society, Hospitals in Mexico, American Society of Andrology and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

  13. Comment by angie

    hi sue
    my name is angie i have one question.. do you guys do vasecotmy reversals? if you do i want to know the total cost, and how long is the hospital stay. thank you and i hope to hear from you soon..

  14. Comment by admin

    Hi Angle,

    I don’t actually have anything to do with the clinics, I’m just like most my readers, looking for the options available for IVF. I have forwarded your enquiry to Dr. Ortega at the clinic and hopefully he will get back to you soon.

    Best of luck,

  15. Comment by diane

    Anyone has had IVF in Tijuana or MEXICALI?

  16. Comment by Nicole Simetz-Young

    Dear Dr. Ortega, One of my dearest friends (Lucy Ludwig-Melendrez and Sergio Melendrez) were patients of your office last year and are now recommending you to me and my husband. I have just completed 3 cycles of AI/ Menopur and HCG trigger.(all to no avial) Round one with Menopur yeilded 3 folicels apporx. 16-18 mm each and rounds 2 and 3 yeilded 2 follicles each. I am 42 y.o. and my Dr. says that my ovarian reserve is 0.8 (placing me at approximaely 12% chance of conceiving w/ AI. I have no other diagnosed issues. My husband’s sperm analyis (according to my Kaiser dr.) appears to be fully normal and w/o issue. I was considering having a Laparoscopy this coming month to rule out Endometriosis and perhaps start the persuit of IVF. As many people in our situation, financial burdens are prohibiting IVF here in the states, thus my letter to you. I live in South Orange county and work a traditional 8-5 work week and would not be able to be in Mexico for the 2 weeks as is referrenced in other posts on your website. Are there other options for this 2 week stay in MX? Also,becasue I currently have Kaiser medications, ultrasounds etc. are covered by my plan and my converage will permit an additional 3 cycles of AI. However, i am not sure if i should bother with the next 3 rounds.!!!! I was curoius if are you able to collborate with Kaiser to obtain medical records and would I be able to obtain Menopur/ HCG on my current Kaiser plan? or would I have to complete the entire process, (initial consultation, medications, ultrasounds etc.) throught your office??? While we are not against utilizing your clinic in its entirety, we do currently have insurance that will continue to provide coverage for 3 AI cycles, but not IVF… Any recommendations or insight into these issues/questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for you assistance in these sensitive matters. Best Regards, Nicole Simetz-Young

  17. Comment by Jd#1baby

    Has anyone had success with IVF done in Tijuana or Rosarito Mexico? I’m looking for a good reputable doctor.

  18. Comment by Jodi

    I am interested in mini IVF, IVM PDG testing. Does your clinic offer these treatments? The cost? I have had stage 4 endometriosis years ago and my rDr. Thinks mirnimal stimulus is best. Can your clinic help me? Thank You

  19. Comment by Mayra Martinez

    Hello all, I have more than 10 yrs visiting Dr. Ortega at Del Prado Fertility Center and working as a medical facilitator…please girls if need help, do not hesitate contacting me back to mayra@mymedicalumbrella.com

  20. Comment by Jessica

    Hello Dr. Ortega,
    I just turned 32 years old. My medical history consists of a partial hysterectomy (due to a bi cornial uterus) when I was 13, 1 miscarriage, 2 live births delivered by C-section, and I have had a laperoscopy along with hysteroscopy and during those procedures a lot of scar tissue was removed. My husband and I have done 3 IUI with no success. I don’t have much mucus up there at least when my doctor went to test he could not because there was none. My husband’s sperm has good mobility, good count, and good antibodies, but 88 percent of them is abnormally shaped. We have not yet done the x-ray too see if my tubes are blocked with scar tissue. With this information what are your thoughts? Would IVF be something I should definitely look into? What would my success rate be and also cost? Thank you so much for your time.

  21. Comment by Jodi T

    What is the current cost for IVF treatments? Does your clinic offer mini IVF? What does that usually cost? I am also interested in PGD and sex selection testing, assisted hatching. Could you send me an itemized list of the costs of treatments your clinic offers? Thank You, Jodi